Self-care? Yeah, right!
1 August 2022
1 August 2022
Are you pouring from an empty cup because we don't have time to go to the tap to fill up? And yet... there are STILL things we can do while we're chasing around after others to protect and nourish our mind, body and soul. Join us for a practical discussion about how to start reclaiming time and refuelling your resources.
Claire is a medical doctor graduating from Edinburgh University in 1999.
She initially trained as a Psychiatrist before crossing over into General Practice. She continued to develop her interest in mental health through various leadership roles in London and working as an addiction psychiatrist at the Maudsley.
A keen triathlete she became interested in the link between physical and mental health and went on to compete a MSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine at Bath University. Her research looking at comparisons of addictive personalities of triathletes and alcohol dependants as yet unpublished won the 2019 RCPsych Addiction conference prize.
Claire’s passion is in helping people gain mental strength through combining exercise, meditation, yoga and therapy. She has created Cognitive Sports Therapy to bring these elements together and runs programmes for individuals and groups using exercise as a therapy.
Claire has 3 beautiful girls and understands the stresses of balancing family and work life whilst trying to make space for self care.